Lynworth Hall

Community activity and worship centre


(Click any photo to view large)


Buffet for a special event


Chairs to seat 60

Find Us

Hall Location

Lynworth Hall is easily found just off the walkway between Mendip Road and Prestbury Road although sight of it is somewhat obscured by Hannah Boote House standing in front of it.

The address for Lynworth Hall is:

  • Mendip Road, Lynworth, Cheltenham. GL52 5ED

See us on the map

We recommend you use Google maps or similar to locate Lynworth hall as it is made somewhat out of sight by residential houses and flats surrounding it.

Location on Google maps

How to book

If you would like to enquire about booking the hall for a community activity or meeting please contact us by using the simple form on our Contact page. We will get back to you with further details.


(Click any photo to view large)


Party occasion


Stage for presentations